University of Helsinki

Åbo Akademi

Åbo Akademi

The Finnish Labour Museum

The Finnish Museum of Agriculture




An Exhibition of the Industrious 1950s in Finland: Fields, Forests, Factories

The Finnish society, work and ordinary life are highlighted in the exhibition, which revives the 1950s. It was a time of prospering for Finland and upcoming reforms began to mature, although the open-minded welfare state was not built until the following decades. Memories grow sweeter with time – the 1950s is regarded as “the good old days”, while poverty and hard work are often forgotten. The point of the exhibition is to question and look behind this nostalgia. The exhibition has been produced in collaboration with the Happy Days? -research project (Academy of Finland), the Finnish Museum of Labour Werstas, the Finnish Museum of Agriculture Sarka and the Finnish Forest Museum Lusto.

Werstas 20.9.2013 - 23.3.2014

Sarka 22.4.2014 – 15.11.2014

Lusto 3.2.2015 – 10.1.2016

Article in Finnish in Vauhtipyörä, the magazine of the Finnish Labour Museum Werstas, pp. 16-18.

The Finnish Labour Museum Werstas also organized a public lecture series about life in the 1950s in 2013-2014 as part of the exhibit.

Public talks and conference papers


Eerika Koskinen-Koivisto, "1950-luvun arki ja nostalgiset muistot", January 19, 2015, Helsinki, Finland. Academy Club of Young Researchers of The Finnish Academy of Science and Letters (Suomalaisen Tiedeakamian Nuorten Akatemiaklubi). Lecture online at

Arja Turunen, "Naisten vaatehuolet toisessa maailmansodassa". March 20, 2015, Jyväskylä, Finland. Talvisota, liikunta ja urheilu -seminaari.


Kirsi-Maria Hytönen, ”Väsymystä, iloa ja palkkatyön merkityksiä naisten muistoissa 1940-luvulta”, February 16, 2014, Jyväskylä, Finland. The monthly meeting of Jyväskylän NNKY.

Kirsi-Maria Hytönen, “’I can prove to you that I’m a virgin.’ Women’s memories of sexual humour in Finnish factories during the Second World War”, July 7, 2014, Barcelona, Spain. The XVIII International Oral History Association Conference: Power and Democracy.

Kirsi-Maria Hytönen, ”’There was only temporary relief from tiredness’– Women’s embodied memories of work during the 2nd Word War in Finland”, September 5, 2014, Worcester, Great Britain. The Women’s History Network conference Home Fronts: Gender, War and Conflict.

Kirsi-Maria Hytönen, ”’There was only temporary relief from tiredness’– Women’s embodied memories of work during the 2nd Word War in Finland”, September 24, 2014, Helsinki, Finland. Conference organised by the Emotions and the Cultural History of World Wars -project, University of Helsinki.

Kirsi-Maria Hytönen, ”A Diligent Worker or a Happy Housewife? Women’s Memories of Work and Family in the 1940s and 1950s”, October 24, 2014, Florence, Italy. Workshop, The Value of Women’s Work: Between the Subjective and Economic, organized by the Network Women Work Value in Europe, 1945–2015.

Kirsi-Maria Hytönen, “Women against modernity? Experiences of home-making and paid labour in post-war Finland, October 27, 2014, Tampere, Finland. Conference paper written together with Eerika Koskinen-Koivisto. Presented in the conference organized by The Finnish Centre of Excellence in Historical Research.

Kirsi-Maria Hytönen, ”Ahkeruudesta ansioita. Työlle annettuja merkityksiä naisten muistelukerronnassa työstä talvi- ja jatkosotien ja jälleenrakennuksen aikana”, November 5, 2014, Helsinki, Finland. The monthly meeting of the Finnish Antiquarian Society.

Eerika Koskinen-Koivisto,”Grand Narratives and Cultural Ideals: Explorations of the Nostalgic 1950s”, October 24, 2014, Ohio, USA. Center for Folklore Studies at the Ohio State University.

Eerika Koskinen-Koivisto, "Ideas about the Good Life: Posters of the Finnish Workers' Co-op movement in the 1950s", September 23, 2014, Madison, Wisconsin, USA. Dept. of Comparative Literature and Folklore Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Simo Laakkonen & Otto Tähkäpää, "Towards an Environmental History of the Media: Portrayals of Water Pollution in the Baltic Sea Region in Finnish Television, 1955-1974", September 12, 2014, Lawrence, Kansas, USA. Nature & Culture Seminar, Hall Center for the Humanities, University of Kansas.

Simo Laakkonen, ”World War II and Post-War Environmental Awakening”, September 23, 2014, Lawrence, Kansas, USA. Environmental History Brownbag, Department of History, University of Kansas.

Simo Laakkonen, ”The Long Shadows: Approaches to the Environmental History of World War II” , September 29, 2014, Lawrence, Kansas, USA. The Commons Lecture, Spooner Hall, University of Kansas.

Simo Laakkonen, ”Communism and Environment: Water Pollution and Protection in the Soviet Union”, October 10, 2014, Lawrence, Kansas, USA. Friday Ecology seminar, Kansas Biological Survey, University of Kansas.

Simo Laakkonen, ”Sea and Cities: Interdisciplinary Research in the Baltic”, October 15, 2014, Santa Cruz, California, USA. Science & Justice Working Group, University of California Santa Cruz (UCSC).

Simo Laakkonen, ”Environmental Science, Environmental History, and Public Policy in the Baltic Region”, October 29, 2014, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. Environmental History Interest Group (EHIG), University of Michigan.

Simo Laakkonen, ”Finland in WW II”, October 31, 2014, Michigan War Studies Group, University of Michigan.

Simo Laakkonen, ”Making a Multidisciplinary Environmental History of the Baltic Sea”, November 4 , 2014, Vari Hall, York University, Toronto, Canada. Recorded video published November 14, 2014 in Nature's Past, NiCHE's audio podcast series (NICHE, Network in Canadian History & Environment; Nouvelle initiative Canadienne en histoire de l’environnement). Recorded and edited by assistant professor Sean Kheraj, Department of History, York University, Toronto, Canada. Link: nmental-history-of-the-baltic-sea/

Simo Laakkonen, ”Baltic Faces: Working People and Coastal Environment in Finland in the 20t h Century”, 39th Meeting of the Social Science History Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, November 6-9, 2014.

Simo Laakkonen, Chair: “Economics and Inequality in the City”, 39th Meeting of the Social Science History Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, November 6-9, 2014.

Simo Laakkonen, Member of the Organizing Committee: ”Travelling Memories: Lives in Transition” The Fifth International Symposium of the Finnish Oral History Network (FOHN), 27-28 November 2014, Helsinki, Finland.

Antti Vallius, "Romantiikkaa ja rationalismia. Metsätalouden kuvallinen esittäminen suomalaisissa maisemakuvajulkaisuissa", April 2, 2014, Helsinki, Finland. The annual meeting of the Finnish Forest History Society at the Finnish House of Science and Letters.

Antti Vallius, ”Mielikuvat suomalaisesta maaseutukulttuurista/kulttuurimaisemasta”, August 20, 2014, Jyväskylä, Finland. Kulttuurimaiseman hoidon neuvottelupäivät.

Antti Vallius, ”Maisema, kuva & mielikuva”, November 18, 2014, Jyväskylä, Finland. Kulttuuriympäristön maisterikoulutus, Kulttuuriympäristökasvatus.


Kirsi-Maria Hytönen, ”Jälleenrakentavat naiset. Muutoksia ja jatkuvuutta naisten palkkatyössä rauhaan palaavassa yhteiskunnassa 1940-luvulla,” April 5, 2013, Rovaniemi, Finland. Conference organized by Feeniks-project in the University of Lapland.

Kirsi-Maria Hytönen, “Home, faith and future – Letters of a young couple during the Continuation War 1941–1944”, May 9, 2013, Tarto, Estonia. Science café arranged by the Science Centre Ahhaa and the Finnish Institute in Estonia.

Kirsi-Maria Hytönen, ”Sota-ajan sosiaalinen media”, October 4, 2013, Jyväskylä, Finland. Seminar organized by the Kalevala Women’s Association of Jyväskylä.

Kirsi-Maria Hytönen, ”Ihana perunannostoloma! Koulunkäyntiä ja nostalgia jälleenrakennuskaudella”, November 7, 2013, Tampere, Finland. The Finnish Labour History Museum.

Lena Marander-Eklund, “Form, norm och narrativa strategier i ett berättande om livet som hemmafru.” January 29–30, 2013, Turku, Finland. Seminar “Aspekter på narrativitet” organized by Åbo Akademi.

Arja Turunen, "Dress as a technique of body in performing gender", July 3, 2013, Tartu, Estonia. "Circulation", The 11th international SIEF congress.

Antti Vallius, "Kuvien maaseutu - Maaseutumaisemakuvaston luomat mielikuvat suomalaisesta maaseutukulttuurista", October 8, 2013, Jyväskylä, Finland. Seminar "Jyväskyläläinen maaseutututkimus esittäytyy: osa III", University of Jyväskylä.


Lena Marander-Eklund, ”’Jag ville bli något!’ Kvinnors drömmar om utbildning på 1950-talet.” June 18–21, 2012, Bergen, Norway. The 32nd Nordic Conference of Ethnology and Folkloristics.

Lena Marander-Eklund, ”Den röd-vit-prickiga klänningen. Bruket av berättelsen om 1950-talet i en politisk familjekampanj.” August 14–15, 2012, Uppsala, Sweden. Seminar “Berättande och narrativitet”.

Lena Marander-Eklund, ”Som vi ropar får vi svar.” November 16–17, 2012, Helsinki, Finland. Seminar “Varför frågelistor?” organized by Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland.

Hanna Snellman, keynote lecture, June 2012, Bergen, Norway. "Dynamics of Cultural Differences", The 32nd Nordic Conference of Ethnology and Folkloristics.

Arja Turunen, "Housujen tulo naisten pukeutumiseen", November 7, 2012, Helsinki, Finland. The monthly meeting of the Finnish Antiquarian Society at the National Museum of Finland.

Arja Turunen, "Naisten housujen käytön historiaa etnologian näkökulmasta", November 28, 2012, Toivakka, Finland. The annual meeting of Central Finland's local museums.


Lena Marander-Eklund, “Stora och små berättelser om hemmafrun på 1950-talet”, August 16-17, 2011, Umeå, Sweden. Seminar “Självbiografiskt berättande i muntlig stil och form”. Umeå University.

Lena Marander-Eklund, ”Housewives in Finland in the 1950’s”. October 24, 2011, CEEBS forskarskola, Södertörn University.

Lena Marander-Eklund, ”Tystnad och nyläsning. På jakt efter hemmafrun i traditionsarkiv.” October 27, 2011, Uppsala, Sweden. Dialekt- och folkminnesarkivet i Uppsala.

Lena Marander-Eklund & Eerika Koskinen-Koivisto organized the panel P207 Telling, remembering and presenting the past: nostalgia as a cultural practice at the 10th international SIEF (International Society for Ethnology and Folklore) congress "People Make Places - ways of feeling the world" Lisbon, 17-21 April 2011.

Hanna Snellman & Laura Hirvi organized the panel P301 Where is the field? at the 10th international SIEF (International Society for Ethnology and Folklore) congress "People Make Places - ways of feeling the world" Lisbon, 17-21 April 2011.


Lena Marander-Eklund, ”Två hemmafruar: den osynliga och den utsatta. En nyläsning av en levnadsberättelse.” March 8, 2010, Turku, Finland. Kvinnodagsseminarium, Institutet för kvinnoforskning, Åbo Akademi.

Lena Marander-Eklund, “Levnadsberättelser, levnad och tidsanda”, August 17-18, 2010, Visby, Sweden. Seminar “Berättande och materialitet” organised by Abå Akademi/Folkloristics and Högskolan på Gotland/Ethnology.

Network meetings

Network meeting for Finnish members Helsinki 1.4.2014

Third International network meeting Tampere 28–29.10.2013

Network meeting for Finnish members Helsinki 14.5.2013

Second International network meeting Loimaa 20.–21.8.2012

Network meeting for Finnish members Punkaharju 31.5.-1.6.2012

Network meeting for Finnish members Jyväskylä 3.-4.11.2011

First international network meeting Korpo 18.-19.5.2011

Zoltan Fejös gave a keynote lecture at the second international network meeting in August 2012 in Loimaa.

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